Optimizing Talent: The 8FA Method to GWC in Marketing

Optimizing Talent The 8FA Method to GWC in Marketing

There are many ways to execute a marketing plan, but at 8 Figure Agency, we’ve found that the GWC model always delivers. 

GWC, short for Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it, ensures that the right individuals play their most efficient part to ensure the success of your marketing agency. “Get it” gauges your understanding of the marketing landscape. “Want it” explores your motivation and passion for marketing. “Capacity to do it” assesses the essential skills you will need for effective execution. This framework helps build a well-rounded marketing team.

We can help you elevate your team who will help you take your marketing agency to the next level. This guide will break down how to optimize your current talent pool using our tested and tried GWC method for marketing. If you want to find out how we’ve helped over 300 agencies sustain a minimum of  7 figures since 2021, you should contact us today to learn more.

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Importance of Talent Optimization

Marketing has always been a competitive space and with that, the need for talent optimization has continued to grow tremendously. In conditions like these, the GWC model is very important. Talent optimization ensures your employees possess vital knowledge, motivation, and skills for success while enhancing the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. 

Our GWC model identifies talent gaps, streamlines operations, and fosters innovation. Our method of optimization boosts employee engagement and satisfaction and aligns skills with roles for improved retention. A dedicated, optimized marketing team is pivotal in building a stronger brand reputation and achieving goals.

Understanding GWC

As we discussed earlier, GWC (Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it) assesses your employee’s suitability for a role. “Get it” evaluates their understanding, and is relevant in marketing for grasping target audience, brand positioning, and industry trends. “Want it” measures their motivation and determination. “Capacity to do it” assesses their essential skills. GWC ensures that employees possess the understanding, motivation, and capabilities for successful task execution in their roles.

Components of GWC

While GWC emphasizes the holistic picture, it’s helpful to dissect each element further.


Skills can be broadly categorized into technical and soft skills. Technical skills are task-specific that we perceive as abilities relevant to a particular domain. In marketing, these are data analysis, content creation, social media management, and campaign execution. 

On the other hand, soft skills are personal attributes that influence someone’s effectiveness in interacting with others and performing tasks. Examples of soft skills include communication, teamwork, adaptability, and time management. Together, these skill sets contribute to a well-rounded and proficient person who is capable of navigating the technical requirements and interpersonal dynamics of their chosen domain.


Knowledge can be broken down into domain knowledge and procedural knowledge. Domain knowledge describes understanding the specific field, industry, or context relevant to the situation. In marketing, this could include knowledge of consumer behavior, marketing principles, and competitor analysis. 

Procedural knowledge, however, is used to describe the understanding of processes and methods required to complete tasks. This includes tasks such as knowing how to develop a marketing plan or launch a social media campaign. Together, these forms of knowledge are important to equip someone with the insights and skills needed to navigate and excel within their respective domains.


Abilities are cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence. Cognitive abilities, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making, are mental skills that enable a person to analyze situations, identify solutions, and adapt to changing circumstances. 

On the other hand, emotional intelligence leans on the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions as well as those of others. In marketing, emotional intelligence is precious for building strong relationships with both customers and colleagues. Together, these abilities contribute to a well-rounded individual capable of navigating complex challenges, making informed decisions, and fostering positive interpersonal connections in a professional marketing setting.


The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) builds significantly on the GWC (Get it, Want it, Capacity) framework, adding depth and practical tools for optimizing talent within a company. EOS also takes GWC to the next level by fostering a supportive culture and encouraging constant optimization to ensure every member of the team is in the right seat. Thus maximizing their contribution and driving collective success.

Beyond GWC: How 8FA Adds Depth to Talent Optimization

Beyond GWC, the 8FA method provides a comprehensive talent optimization approach. We build upon the GWC model by defining an ideal talent profile, innovative sourcing, behavioral assessments, and simulations. 

8 Figure Agency emphasizes building an employer brand, engaging onboarding, performance conversations, continuous learning, and clear career paths. We use this method to enhance the GWC with practical steps, creating a proactive talent optimization strategy, and aiming for higher performance and organizational objectives.

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Talent Assessment

We believe that effective talent assessment goes beyond simply checking boxes – it requires us to understand your team’s strengths, identify areas for improvement, and leverage both to achieve exceptional results. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how we partner with you to tackle talent assessment:

Evaluating Existing Talent

Evaluating talent requires combining traditional methods with dynamic strategies. We supplement annual reviews with frequent check-ins and 360° feedback that enhances understanding. We conduct skills assessments, including tests and portfolio reviews, and then offer insights into technical and soft skills. 

Our behavioral observations focus on interactions and decision-making and serve to reveal employee strengths and limitations. We also use employee engagement surveys to gauge motivation and satisfaction, while identifying areas for improvement. This holistic approach informs our decisions for ongoing development and strategic alignment.

Identifying Skill Gaps

Identifying skill gaps starts with job analyses to define the role requirements for your marketing agency while anticipating future needs through industry trend analysis. You can keep your team aligned by addressing performance bottlenecks and encouraging open communication for employee feedback; we ensure a proactive and targeted strategy to bridge skill gaps within your organization.

Leveraging Strengths

In any marketing agency, we leverage strengths through role realignment, creating cross-functional teams, and addressing skill gaps. We also suggest mentorship programs and targeted training to nurture talents. 

You can create internal mobility opportunities through promotions and lateral moves to foster career growth. We encourage the use of positive reinforcement, recognizing and celebrating strengths, and creating a supportive environment for ongoing development and a dynamic and effective work environment.

Recruitment Strategies

Building a team is more than just filling positions. We work with you to find the perfect talent who can propel your organization forward. Let’s do a deep dive into our three key recruitment strategies for success.

Attracting Top Talent

There are levels to attracting top talent. First we help you to craft a compelling employer story that emphasizes your agency’s culture and values. You could be offering competitive compensation, highlighting career growth, flexibility, and employee well-being. 

We explore unconventional sourcing methods, online platforms, events, and referrals. You can also build relationships with universities and professional organizations for even more diverse talent pools to draw top-tier professionals to your agency.

Aligning Candidates with GWC

We help you to align candidates with the GWC framework by crafting clear job descriptions and specifying responsibilities, and skills. To assess “Capacity to Do It,” we use skill-based assessments like practical tasks and portfolio reviews. 

We also conduct behavioral interviews for a deeper understanding of “Get It” comprehension and “Want It” motivation. We have found that this strategy enhances recruitment, thus ensuring that candidates align with what your agency requires of them.

Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring

We prioritize diversity in hiring through unconscious bias training and promoting objective decision-making. Our diverse interview panels ensure inclusivity and diverse perspectives. We achieve this by prioritizing skills and potential over traditional qualifications. This holistic approach fosters an equitable and diverse hiring process, creating an inclusive workplace culture and workforce.

Training and Development

Empowering your team with the right skills and knowledge leads to continuous improvement. This is just what your marketing agency needs to grow organically.

Continuous Learning Initiatives

Continuous learning depends on a culture that promotes curiosity, experimentation, and learning from successes and failures. Your employees should not be afraid to fail forward. You can perpetuate this by offering diverse opportunities like workshops, online courses, conferences, mentoring, and peer learning. 

You can compound the experience by leveraging technology for accessible and flexible learning through management systems and online platforms. They regularly measure program effectiveness and adapt accordingly based on feedback.

Tailoring Programs to GWC

By identifying skill gaps through regular reviews and assessments for “Capacity to Do It”, you can tailor any program to the GWC framework. You can achieve this by aligning training with specific GWC role requirements to contribute to individual and agency goals. 

Aim to enhance “Get It” understanding and “Want It” passion by integrating real-world case studies and industry trends for fostering ongoing development and alignment with your agency’s objectives.

On-the-Job Training Strategies

Remember effective training and development is not a one-time event. Here are a few strategies you can implement in your marketing agency to encourage better results:

  • Mentorship and Coaching: Pair experienced employees with new hires or junior colleagues to provide personalized guidance and support.
  • Job Shadowing and Project Collaboration: Assign new team members to observe and collaborate on projects with experienced colleagues, allowing them to learn by doing.
  • Stretch Assignments and Rotations: Provide opportunities for employees to tackle challenging tasks outside their comfort zone and gain experience in different areas, expanding their skill sets and “Capacity to Do It.”
  • Regular Feedback and Recognition: Offer constant feedback and celebrate small wins to keep trainees motivated and engaged throughout the learning process.

Cultivating a GWC Culture

Creating a strong organizational culture built around the GWC principles (Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it) leans on both individual talent and fostering an environment where everyone thrives and contributes to shared success. There are ways to achieve this successfully.Leadership’s Role

Leaders embody the GWC framework by exemplifying “Want it” and “Get it” through passion, dedication, and continuous learning. They play a crucial role in developing others, ensuring resources for success, and reflecting a strong “Capacity to do it.” 

Effective communication articulates the agency’s vision and fosters a shared understanding. Effective leaders will empower employees to cultivate confidence through motivation. Regular feedback and recognition by leadership will also contribute to a thriving organizational culture.

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement hinges on several key elements within any agency. Employee engagement relies on meaningful work and connecting their roles to your agency’s goals for a comprehensive “Get it” understanding. Growth opportunities, including skill development and career advancement, can foster a strong “Want it” drive. While, open communication, trust, and issue resolution contribute to engagement. 

As a leader, you should always celebrate successes, both individual and team achievements. This creates a positive atmosphere and reinforces the desire to excel, integrating “Get it” and “Do it” aspects into the organizational culture.

Fostering Collaboration

Building diverse teams for creativity and problem-solving can foster collaboration within your marketing agency. Team-building activities, shared projects, and social events can promote trust and a shared “Want it” mentality. 

Diversity brings different perspectives, experiences, and approaches to the table while encouraging cross-departmental collaboration. This breaks down walls that could have become obstacles in your operations while optimizing the “Capacity to do it.” Aligning individual objectives with team and organizational goals creates a shared purpose, and fosters the collaborative culture required to propel your marketing agency forward.

Cultivating a GWC culture is an ongoing process. By prioritizing leadership, employee engagement, and collaboration, you can create an environment where everyone contributes their best, feels valued, and enjoys the journey of “Getting it, Wanting it, and Doing it” together. With over 800 clients and more than 3000 jobs created 8 Figure Agency understands how to help your marketing agency leverage the GWC model to achieve your organizational goals. Don’t hesitate!

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Performance Metrics

A successful GWC culture is built on a foundation of trust, transparency, and a commitment to ongoing learning and development. Cultivating a GWC culture can determine how successful your agency becomes. But how do you know if your efforts are paying off?

Measuring GWC Effectiveness

You can measure the effectiveness. Measuring the effectiveness of GWC can be done on 3 levels:

  • Individual Level: Assess individual GWC development through performance reviews, skill assessments, and self-evaluations. Track improvements in knowledge, motivation, and performance to gauge individual growth.
  • Team Level: Monitor team dynamics and collaboration. Observe communication quality, conflict resolution, and overall synergy to assess GWC alignment within the team.
  • Organizational Level: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to productivity, efficiency, employee engagement, retention, and customer satisfaction. Improved performance in these areas suggests a positive impact of GWC culture.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Now that you have an idea of what to look out for, here are some specific KPIs that you can pay keen attention to if you want to see results:

  • Productivity: Increased output, decreased turnaround times, and successful project completion rates can indicate enhanced capacity to do it.
  • Efficiency: Streamlined processes, reduced errors, and improved resource utilization point to better “get it” understanding and problem-solving abilities.
  • Employee Engagement: Higher survey scores, increased participation in initiatives, and positive feedback suggest stronger “want it” motivation and satisfaction.
  • Retention: Lower turnover rates and positive exit interviews indicate a strong GWC culture that attracts and retains talent.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Improved customer feedback, increased loyalty, and higher sales figures suggest an alignment of GWC with customer needs and expectations.

Adjusting Strategies Based on Metrics

It all comes together when you can adapt GWC culture based on the metrics identified through our extensive KPI analysis. Addressing weaknesses promptly is pivotal to keeping momentum. 

We use the metrics to pinpoint areas needing improvement and adapt strategies through targeted training or communication improvements. Regular evaluation and adaptation, through ongoing KPI assessment and employee feedback, can ensure continuous improvement and responsiveness in optimizing the GWC culture for sustained success.

Technology Integration

Integrating technology into your GWC strategy can boost its effectiveness and propel your organization forward. Here are a few ways to accomplish this boost.

AI and GWC

AI integration with GWC has transformed talent management. AI-powered skills assessments have streamlined recruitment by allowing agencies to predict employee’s success in roles. Personalized learning paired with analyzing strengths and weaknesses, has served to optimize skill development and fill the gaps in the GWC strategy. 

AI can identify high-potential employees, predict flight risk, and suggest career paths, which fosters motivation and aids employee retention. AI coaching tools offer real-time guidance for enhancing the “Capacity to do it” and achieving goals. This synergy introduces innovative approaches to talent optimization and development.

Tools for Talent Optimization

Talent optimization tools, like recruitment platforms, have streamlined candidate identification with GWC fit. By learning management systems, marketing agencies can centralize training, and foster continuous learning with a comprehensive “Get it” understanding. 

Collaboration tools enhance teamwork and knowledge sharing, contributing to the collective “Capacity to do it.” 93% of business leaders believe in the use of tools and software to promote successful collaboration within any organization. Employee feedback tools provide data-driven insights into motivation, engagement, and GWC alignment for targeted interventions. These tools form a cohesive infrastructure, streamlining key aspects of talent optimization.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-driven talent management analyzes the GWC framework patterns using performance reviews, assessments, and employee surveys. Powered by AI, predictive analytics anticipates talent needs, identifies skill gaps, and predicts flight risks for proactive adjustments. 

8 Figure Agency succeeds in personalizing talent development through data-tailored training, career paths, and coaching interventions to maximize GWC potential. We use data-driven insights to optimize talent investments by analyzing the impact of training, recruitment, and engagement initiatives on your agency’s goals. This allows for effective resource allocation. Overall, we use data-driven decision-making to enhance talent optimization and align strategies with your agency’s objectives.

Real-World Examples: Marketers Thriving

8 Figure Agency has been helping marketing agencies scale and achieve annualized revenue in the eight-figure range by enhancing operational, fulfillment, and GWC management procedures. Here are a few agencies that have benefitted from our GWC marketing method.


Miquel Girones was able to experience a transformative journey. In just two months, his business flourished, achieving a remarkable fourfold profit increase, surpassing his $100,000 milestone.

Silverlake Design Studio

By working with the 8 Figure Agency marketing team, Jessica Crum was also able to establish structure, boost team confidence, and enhance client satisfaction. We were able to help Silverlake Design Studio make tough decisions to achieve remarkable results. 

Final Thoughts

By actively cultivating a GWC-driven environment, your marketing team can reach its full potential, drive exceptional results, and propel your brand toward success. Remember, GWC is not a one-time fix; it’s an ongoing journey of growth and optimization. Take the first step today and watch your marketing team soar!

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