Nurturing a Continuous Improvement Culture

Continuous Improvement Culture

A continuous improvement culture within an organization is a relentless pursuit of advancement achieving operational excellence across all areas of operation. It can be presented as an iterative process of identifying, implementing, and evaluating changes rather than hoping for one big dramatic push to ignite growth. This progressive approach cultivates innovation, efficiency, and a profound […]

When to Consider Introducing a White Label Partner

white label partner

The term “White Label” was coined in the early 1970s. It details the use of blank or ” white labels” on the packaging of a product that the marketer could attach their brand to. This usually indicates that the products are manufactured en masse by a third party and then retailed. So what does that […]

Igniting Agency Growth: The 8FA Duo That Outperforms EOS RocketFuel


The 8 Figure Agency (8FA) Duo redefines agency growth with a focus on scalability, profitability, and team fulfillment, which sets itself apart from traditional models. It champions flat, cross-functional teams cross-functional teams with open communication, leaving behind the hierarchical norms of traditional agencies while emphasizing key performance indicators aligned with growth goals.  Anchored in eight […]

Optimizing Talent: The 8FA Method to GWC in Marketing

Optimizing Talent The 8FA Method to GWC in Marketing

There are many ways to execute a marketing plan, but at 8 Figure Agency, we’ve found that the GWC model always delivers.  GWC, short for Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it, ensures that the right individuals play their most efficient part to ensure the success of your marketing agency. “Get it” gauges your […]

Solid Foundations: Setting Strategic Marketing Rocks with 8FA

marketing rocks

Strategic marketing is the process of planning and executing marketing activities that are aligned with an organization’s business goals. It involves understanding the organization’s target market, competitive landscape, and unique selling proposition (USP).  Once these factors are understood, a strategic marketing plan can be developed that outlines the specific marketing activities that will be used […]

How Milkshake Media Added 60K MRR in 8 Months

Milkshake media Success Story

Meet Milkshake Media     Milkshake Media is an email agency that helps e-commerce businesses grow. Founded in 2017 by Tarunbir Brar in Australia, Milkshake Media has consistently led the way in the field of email marketing, achieving a remarkable milestone of generating over $20 million in email revenue for its clients.  Throughout their journey, […]

Measuring What Matters: The Marketing Agency Scorecard & Performance Metrics by 8FA

Performance Metrics

A marketing agency scorecard is a performance metrics tool specifically designed for agencies to track and measure their effectiveness in delivering results for clients. It goes beyond traditional metrics like impressions and clicks, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with client goals and business objectives. This boils down to using KPIs that measure […]

The Right Fit: 8FA’s Take on the GWC Model for Marketing Agencies

GWC model

The GWC model is often associated with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a business management system created by Gino Wickman. GWC stands for “Get it, Want it, Capacity to do it.”  It’s a framework for marketing agencies to evaluate clients, and team members and ensure successful partnerships. To elevate your agency, it’s important to have […]

Empowering Marketing Teams: 8FA’s Twist on the 5-5-5 Framework

Employee Engagement

The 5-5-5 framework is a popular marketing strategy emphasizing employee engagement through focus, flexibility, and freedom. It suggests allocating 50% to core marketing activities such as branding and ongoing campaigns, 25% to experimentation, allowing for the exploration of new tactics and channels, and another 25% to optimization, focusing on data analysis and refining existing campaigns. […]

How Process Automation Can Boost Your Agency’s Efficiency and Profitability

automating marketing processes

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, agencies find themselves navigating through a digital labyrinth, seeking the most efficient and effective ways to reach their goals. Thankfully, with the help of automating marketing processes, marketing teams can streamline time-consuming processes and repetitive workflows for peak efficiency. In this post, let’s unearth process automation to transform your […]